Saturday, October 06, 2012

Pacific NW Summer 2012

The most notable feature of this summer was the record-breaking streak of dryness that began in July and looks to last until nearly mid-October.

PDX broke the July 1-to-Sep 30 minimal rainfall record, formerly 0.51" in 1952, with a mere 0.25".  Average rainfall in this period is 2.45", the majority of which surely must fall in latter September, as summer's aren't wet here even in good years.

Parts of Western Oregon are now officially listed as "Abnormally Dry" (no kidding), but not technically in "Drought" quite yet.

Temperatures ticked up from last year, and probably overall were typical of summer. Once again, September proved to be a very hot month, though technically the hottest days fell in August (roughly the first half, this year), which is common.

Portland 2012:

Days in 80's: (May: 4, June: 4, July: 17, August: 6, Sept/Oct: 12)
Days in 90's: (May: 0, June: 0, July: 0, August: 6, Sept: 3)
Days in 100's: (May: 0, June: 0, July: 0, August: 2, Sept: 0)

Highest temp the whole season (Aug 4): 102
Precip (inches): (May: 2.02, June: 3.10; July: 0.17; August: 0.00; Sept: 0.04)

Seattle 2012:

Days in 80's: (May: 1, June: 4, July: 4, August: 7, Sep: 4)
Days in 90's: (May: 0, June: 0, July: 0, August: 4, Sept: 1)

Highest temp the whole season (Aug 16): 94
Precip (inches): (May: 2.05, June: 2.96; July: 1.04; August: 0.00; Sept: 0.03)


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