Pacific NW weather this summer
Summer weather this season, courtesy Weather Underground. With the absence of any days in the 90's in Seattle (though several were close), and no days in the 100's in Portland, along with unusually mild May and June weather, overall this would be considered one of the "cooler" summers.
Portland 2005:
Days in 80's: (May: 2; June: 3; July: 11; August: 15; Sept: 4)
Days in 90's: (May: 1; June: 0; July: 7; August: 7; Sept: 0)
Highest temp the whole season (August 4th): 96
Precip (inches): (May: 3.81; June: 1.79; July: 0.41; August: 1.05; Sept: 1.68)
Seattle 2005:
Days in 80's: (May: 2; June: 0; July: 9; August: 12; Sept: 0)
Days in 90's: (May: 0; June: 0; July: 0; August: 0; Sept: 0)
Highest temp the whole season (August 14th): 88
Precip (inches): (May: 3.32; June: 1.63; July: 1.03; August: 0.29; Sept: 0.41)