Monday, October 22, 2007

Pacific NW Summer 2007

As I've done the last couple years on this blog, I like to summarize the summer that was in these parts. Subjectively, at least, this summer couldn't compare to 2006's notable heat waves, and I appreciated that the heat high-tailed it out of here with two weeks of calendar summer left to go. Let's see what it looked like by the numbers.

Portland 2007:

Days in 80's: (May: 5, June: 6, July: 16, August: 7, Sept: 6)

Days in 90's: (May: 1, June: 0, July: 2, August: 4, Sept: 1)

Days in 100's: (May: 0, June: 0, July: 1, August: 0, Sept: 0)

Highest temp the whole season (July 10th): 102

Precip (inches): (May: 0.54; June: 0.39; July: 0.26; August: 0.32; Sept: 1.08)

Seattle 2007:

Days in 80's: (May: 4, June: 4, July: 9, August: 6, Sept: 2)

Days in 90's: (May: 0, June: 0, July: 1, August: 0, Sept: 0)

Highest temp the whole season (July 11th): 98

Precip (inches): (May: 0.56; June: 0.38; July: 0.45; August: 0.25; Sept: 1.19)