Pacific NW Summer 2008
Has it been a year already? This summer was notable for a surprising stretch of temperate weather in the second half of July, a time which typically features the worst weather of the year. Reality soon returned, however, in the first half of August, which culminated mid-month with the worst stretch of summer: 100/102/99. The pattern then repeated: the second half of August was reasonable, but soon into September things were smoking again, and by the end of the month we were pushing 90 just when it seemed like summer was over. September was much warmer than normal overall. Precipitation was normal all summer long: virtually non-existent.
Portland 2008:
Days in 80's: (May: 3, June: 6, July: 15, August: 10, Sept: 11)
Days in 90's: (May: 2, June: 0, July: 5, August: 3, Sept: 2)
Days in 100's: (May: 0, June: 1, July: 0, August: 2, Sept: 0)
Highest temp the whole season (Aug 14th): 102
Precip (inches): (May: 0.96, June: 0.71; July: 0.26; August: 0.29; Sept: 0.35)
Seattle 2008:
Days in 80's: (May: 1, June: 3, July: 9, August: 7, Sept: 1)
Days in 90's: (May: 1, June: 2, July: 0, August: 3, Sept: 0)
Highest temp the whole season (Jun 29th): 92
Precip (inches): (May: 0.19; June: 0.58; July: 0.25; August: 0.88; Sept: 0.54)