Pacific NW Summer 2011
This year’s summer makes an interesting comparison with last year’s, as both were influenced by a La Nina that lasted deep into spring if not summer itself, and both taken together were probably the most moderate summers in the 2000’s.
The most notable aspect for Portland had to be tying the record (downtown) for the latest day in the year to hit 90: August 20th. That ended up being the hottest day of the year, too. (Portland airport saw one year where it didn’t hit 90 until deep in September; and there was only one year, in the 1950’s, when Portland didn’t hit 90 at all.) Once the dam broke, Portland went on to see a spate of quite hot weather fairly consistently from the third week of August through roughly the first 10 days of September, with a brief reprise later in the month. September was surely the most uncomfortable weather of the year.
I probably don’t need to mention that it was a dry, dry, dry summer. Last year’s wet May/June/September was anomalous
Of note in Seattle is that they escaped any 90-degree days all summer, which is quite unusual. .
Portland 2011:
Days in 80's: (May: 0, June: 2, July: 10, August: 15, Sept: 10)
Days in 90's: (May: 0, June: 0, July: 0, August: 2, Sept: 5)
Highest temp the whole season (Aug 20): 96
Precip (inches): (May: 2.82, June: 0.63; July: 0.96; August: 0.04; Sept: 0.51)
Seattle 2011:
Days in 80's: (May: 0, June: 4, July: 7, August: 8, Sep: 10)
Days in 90's: (May: 0, June: 0, July: 0, August: 0, Sept: 0)
Highest temp the whole season (Aug 21): 87
Precip (inches): (May: 3.20, June: 1.42; July: 0.71; August: 0.13; Sept: 1.29)