Saturday, October 05, 2013

Pacific NW Summer 2013

This summer didn't stand out for me. Perhaps it was slightly warmer than normal, but there were fewer extremes than normal and no 100's at all. Three of the last 4 years have not seen 100 degrees broken in Portland.

July and August were, as usual, bone-dry, but the closing days of September brought record-breaking rain to the state, largely as a result of a former typhoon in Asia.

Portland 2013:

Days in 80's: (May: 5, June: 7, July: 17, August: 19, Sept: 9)
Days in 90's: (May: 0, June: 2, July: 4, August: 2, Sept: 2)

Highest temp the whole season (Jun 30): 97; Runner-up: 95 on Sep 11
Precip (inches): (May: 3.46, June: 1.17; July: 0.00; August: 0.67; Sept: 4.70)

Seattle 2013:

Days in 80's: (May: 3, June: 4, July: 12, August: 15, Sep: 4)
Days in 90's: (May: 0, June: 1, July: 0, August: 0, Sept: 1)

Highest temp the whole season (Jun 30 and Sep 11): 93
Precip (inches): (May: 2.38, June: 1.30; July: 0.00; August: 1.35; Sept: 6.17)