Pacific NW Summer 2020
This summer seemed to be clipping along normally until September hit. Not too long into it, major fires east of populated areas in OR and WA developed, largely from lighting strikes over arid lands. Strong winds then carried the fires westward into areas not accustomed to wildfires. This also brought heavy smoke through most of the PNW for the better part of two weeks. Later in the month, smoke from the even larger fires in CA headed all the way to Canada, but in that case the smoke mostly remained aloft, narrowly avoiding a repeat of the disastrous air quality levels seen in many areas of the PNW earlier in the month. September, possibly aided by the smoke, saw an unusual number of warm days, too, compounding the problem.
Portland 2020:
Days in 80's: (April: 0, May: 5, June: 5, July: 11, August: 17, Sept: 9)
Days in 90's: (April: 0, May: 1, June: 1, July: 4, August: 4, Sept: 3)
Days in 100's: (April: 0, May: 0, June: 0, July: 2, August: 0, Sept: 0)
Highest temp the whole season (Jul 26-27): 100
Precip (inches): (April: 0.79, May: 2.21, June: 3.51; July: 0.05; August: 0.38; Sept: 2.06)
Seattle 2020:
Days in 80's: (April: 0, May: 3, June: 4, July: 9, August: 10, Sept: 8)
Days in 90's: (April: 0, May: 0, June: 0, July: 2, August: 1, Sept: 1)
Highest temp the whole season (Aug 16): 97
Precip (inches): (April: 1.70, May: 3.05; June: 2.24; July: 0.28; August: 0.31; Sept: 1.60)
Vancouver, BC 2020:
Days in 80's: (April: 0, May: 0, June: 0, July: 1, August: 2, Sept: 0)
Highest temp the whole season (Aug 17): 84
Precip (inches): (April: 0.90, May: 2.20, June: 2.09; July: 1.07; August: 1.83; Sept: 2.33)
Astoria, OR 2020:
Days in 80's: (April: 0, May: 0, June: 0, July: 1, August: 2, Sept: 6)
Highest temp the whole season (Sep 9): 87
Precip (inches): (April: 1.97, May: 3.55, June: 2.38; July: 0.47; August: 0.50; Sept: 2.92)